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Upload Laravel Project to Cloud Hosting

Here’s a step-by-step example of uploading a Laravel project to a cloud hosting platform, specifically using DigitalOcean as the cloud hosting provider:

  1. Sign Up for DigitalOcean:
    • Go to the DigitalOcean website ( and sign up for an account.
    • Once signed up, log in to the DigitalOcean control panel.
  2. Create a Droplet (Virtual Private Server):
    • Click on the “Create” button and select “Droplets” from the dropdown menu.
    • Choose a distribution (e.g., Ubuntu) and plan for your droplet. Select the amount of CPU, memory, and disk space according to your requirements.
    • Choose a datacenter region closest to your target audience.
    • Add any additional options you may need (e.g., backups, monitoring).
    • Click “Create Droplet” to create your virtual server.
  3. Connect to Your Droplet:
    • Once your droplet is created, you’ll receive an email with the root password or SSH key (if you chose SSH key authentication).
    • Use an SSH client (e.g., PuTTY on Windows, Terminal on macOS/Linux) to connect to your droplet. Use the provided IP address and login credentials.
    • If you’re using SSH key authentication, make sure to set the correct permissions for your private key file (chmod 400 your-private-key.pem) and connect using the SSH key (ssh -i your-private-key.pem root@your-droplet-ip).
  4. Install Required Software:
    • Update the package index on your droplet: apt update.
    • Install necessary software packages: apt install apache2 php mysql-server php-mysql unzip.
  5. Transfer Your Laravel Project:
    • Navigate to your Laravel project directory on your local machine.
    • Compress your Laravel project directory into a zip file.
    • Use SCP to transfer the zip file to your droplet:typescript
    • scp root@your-droplet-ip:/var/www/html
    • SSH into your droplet and navigate to the /var/www/html directory.
    • Unzip your project file:python
    • unzip
  6. Configure Laravel Environment:
    • Rename the .env.example file to .env: mv .env.example .env.
    • Open the .env file and update the database connection settings (DB_HOST, DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD) with your database credentials.
    • Generate a new application key: php artisan key:generate.
  7. Set File Permissions:
    • Set the correct permissions for the Laravel project directories:bash
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/storage
  1. Configure Apache:
    • Create a new virtual host configuration file for your Laravel project:bash
      nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/your-domain.conf
    • Add the following configuration:php
      <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/html/public <Directory /var/www/html/public> AllowOverride All </Directory> </VirtualHost>
    • Enable the new virtual host: a2ensite your-domain.conf.
    • Reload Apache for the changes to take effect: systemctl reload apache2.
  2. Set Up Database:
    • Log in to MySQL: mysql -u root -p.
    • Create a new database for your Laravel project: CREATE DATABASE your_database;.
    • Create a new MySQL user and grant privileges to the database:sql
      CREATE USER 'your_username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'your_password'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON your_database.* TO 'your_username'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
  3. Test Your Application:
    • Open your web browser and navigate to your domain (e.g., You should see your Laravel application up and running.
  4. Set Up SSL Certificate (Optional):
    • Follow DigitalOcean’s documentation or use Let’s Encrypt to set up an SSL certificate for your domain to enable HTTPS.
  5. Monitor and Maintain:
    • Regularly monitor your server’s performance and security.
    • Perform regular backups of your data to prevent data loss.

That’s it! Your Laravel project is now uploaded and running on a DigitalOcean droplet. You can further customize your server configuration and Laravel application according to your requirements.

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