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Tag: and

  • Basic “Hello, World!” application using Django and Ruby on Rails.

    Basic “Hello, World!” application using Django and Ruby on Rails.

    Django Example: pip install django django-admin startproject hello_django cd hello_django python startapp hello_app from django.http import HttpResponse def hello(request): return HttpResponse("Hello, Django!") from django.urls import path from hello_app import views urlpatterns = [ path('', views.hello, name='hello'), ] python runserver Ruby on Rails Example: gem install rails rails new hello_rails cd hello_rails rails generate […]


  • One-Liners: Short and Powerful Python Code Snippets

    One-Liners: Short and Powerful Python Code Snippets

    Certainly! Here are some short and powerful Python code snippets, often referred to as “one-liners,” that showcase the versatility and elegance of the language: a, b = b, a max_value = max(my_list) squared_numbers = [x ** 2 for x in numbers] is_palindrome = word == word[::-1] count = my_list.count(element) most_common = max(my_list, key=my_list.count) even_numbers = […]


  • Efficient Error Handling in Python: Using Try, Except, and Finally

    Efficient Error Handling in Python: Using Try, Except, and Finally

    Efficient error handling is crucial in any programming language to ensure that your code can gracefully handle unexpected situations and failures. In Python, you can achieve this using the try, except, and finally blocks. Here’s a guide to using them effectively: 1. try, except Blocks: The try block encloses the code that you expect might […]